Thursday, October 31, 2019

Business Applying Concepts Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Applying Concepts - Article Example This is a significant issue that the US must substantially change within the Chinese perspective in order obtain trust from them and maximize its foreign investment with them (Asia Society, 2011). This in the long run would substantially improve relationship between them and other future rising economies. For the mean time, the US just needs to increase its foreign direct investment so as to create more jobs for its people, increase Federal taxes, and eventually bring back again its status to a strong economy just like from the past. The US has been through various political challenges and economic changes. Many things have changed because of these. The US woke up one day and found out that the sleeping giant economy of China started to work its way up to vibrant dominance leaving its very own economy behind. Now, its substantial goal must be to create dynamic and attractive economic atmosphere preparing a special place for China for it. After all, it would be a mess on its part to d isregard the great potential of China to back up its economy. For instance, China is known to produce low-cost service and product offerings. If the US would want to create again a cutting edge economy, it needs to consider some important moves. One of them is to create effective value chain with China. After all, the manufacturing cost gap between US and China is shrinking. This in return would help attract China’s economy to invest further in the US. This would allow the US economy to become as much as possible comparable to what China has been offering to the world market. Based on this issue, one essential thought would be is that the modern internationalization of business for instance based on the case of China and the US is about trust and building of relationship. This could only be substantiated if effective policies are implemented, political challenges are addressed and effective foreign direct investment is emancipated. The challenge now on the part of the US is o n how it could maximize its foreign direct investment with China especially now that the latter has variety of choices which to conduct business with. Furthermore, the entire world looks forward to initiate direct investment with China. China’s value therefore substantially rises, allowing it to open many doors for its future economic performance. The US without question still has the influence over the world. At present, it is dynamic with implementing international law which at some point may have significant contribution to its future economic condition. Establishing a remarkable law towards foreign direct investment with China is at some point a reliable and even sustainable way of ensuring trust and relationship. China may have bad experience in foreign direct investment with the US in the past, but the entire issue was based on existing rule, policies and procedures. The US may have potential control over them and create a way for reform. What is important at this point is to make the US market economy appealing to China, creating a reason on the part of the latter to engage direct investment into the US economy because of remarkable advantages on its part. However, due to the US’s economic situation at present, China may have certain level of hesitation to fully engage itself with the US economy. However, even if this would be the kind of reasoning on the part of China, the US may

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Lost Generation’s Props Essay Example for Free

The Lost Generation’s Props Essay The significance of the Mr. In and Mr. Out scene toward the end of Fitzgerald’s May Day is that it reveals a last hurrah for Dean and Gordon. For Gordon especially, because he realizes that he will forever be married to Jewell and that suicide is his only escape from this life. The depression of this era, of Gordon not fulfilling his full potential as an artist (his excuse being that he needs to go to art school but doesn’t have enough money to go to art school). It is this idea of potential, of finding identity in post-war America (or in this case during the war) that Fitzgerald’s short story hinges upon. Either man attended Yale and had the best opportunities afforded to them, but their mutually exclusive hate for each other for ending up in the life they have now (their after Yale life, their, not in the war life). Either man’s drunken stupor, their â€Å"In Out† gag is a revelation of lack of identity. Faulkner’s writing style is very colloquial. He gives the reader a real taste of the character, a real dip into the character’s own mind, no matter how fragile, insane, or gritty their subjective reality may be. Hemingway’s language in Hills Like White Elephants is prosy in comparison (although both authors use adjectives with a certain flare). Hemingway’s writing is more obsessed about the environment. Hemingway also uses a fair amount of dialogue to juxtapose the natural elements of the setting of the story. Hemingway is caught up in the movement of things; the movement of the girl looking toward the horizon and the dualism of character and nature. Faulkner doesn’t juxtapose his characters with environment in this fashion, rather he juxtaposes action with characters. Fitzgerald’s character, Gordon Sterret, is a dark and ill man, both in composure and in spirit. Fitzgerald relays this characterization to the reader through use of Gordon’s actions (his continually getting drunk, especially in the presence of Edith whom he may have love, but whom he ultimately falters with). The main action being that he goes with Jewell against his judgment and Dean’s advice and in the end of the story, feeling as though he cannot control his actions and is a pawn of fate, he kills himself thereby exercising the only control over himself that he thinks he has; killing himself. Similar to this Laura’s character in Flowering Judas doesn’t present her will into her life. She allows Braggioni to try and seduce her, and even though she’s tired from her day and doesn’t much care for the man’s attention she doesn’t ask him to leave her alone. She remains proper with her social values as not wanting to offend anyone. This lack of control over her environment reflects Gordon’s own sentiments. Both Laura and Braggioni’s relationship and Gordon and Jewell’s relationship are similar. Jewell and Braggioni are forceful with their personalities on Gordon and Laura. Both endure their partners knowing that the world offers them nothing better, or that they themselves cannot find a way of escape. However, instead of killing herself as Gordon does, Laura inadvertently kills one of Braggioni’s adherents. Thus, she is labeled a murderer. In either case, Laura and Gordon are both characters that feel they are not in control of themselves or the events that occur around them, either a war, or a revolution. Works Cited The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Vol. II, ed. Lauter, et al (Vols. C, D, and E).

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Euthanasia: The Debate

Euthanasia: The Debate The term euthanasia is originated from the Greek meaning well death. In the past, the term has often been used in English literature as a welcome way to depart quietly and well from life. Today, however, the connotation has been altered and the most commonly understood meaning of the word has become the practice of ending life in a painless manner mercy killing. According to The Oxford Dictionary of Modern English, the definition of euthanasia refers to the act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, as by lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment. As such, in definition, the term euthanasia is defined as a legally approved and medically assisted mercy killing. However, in most countries, any practice of euthanasia is illegal no matter it is supported by the medical professionals or not. This then leads one to consider two fundamental questions regarding euthanasia. First, is euthanasia ethical? Second, depending on the answer of the first question, should euthanasia be legalized? The question as to whether euthanasia is ethical or unethical has been in debate over the years, from Jack Kevorkian, an euthanasia activist assisting at least 130 patients to their ends, to the 2006 Supreme Court ruling on Oregons Death with Dignity Act. Many professionals in different fields such as philosophers, scientists, religious leaders, lawyers, doctors have been debating over the issues of right to die and dignity of human life. Decision whether to consider euthanasia as an ethical or non-ethical conduct depends on individual; however, one may set three fundamental questions as their guidelines to ascertain their beliefs and understand opposing viewpoints. 1. Is it ever right for another person to end the life of a terminally ill patient who is in severe pain or enduring other suffering? 2. If euthanasia is sometimes right, under what circumstances is it right? 3. Is there any m oral difference between killing someone and letting them die? Taking above three questions into consideration, I came to a conclusion that euthanasia is the compassionate choice and thus should be supported by the same constitutional safeguards that secure such rights as marriage, procreation, etc. The best way to live and die is to do so deliberately, autonomously, in a way that enables us to view our lives as our own creations. Such freedom includes nothing less than the right to define ones own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life. Michael J. Sandel Euthanasia is an individuals right to choose, and that the government should not take that away from anyone no matter the case. Person who owns and lives a life should have the priority to decide what to do with his or her life; it is a gift and the government should not take part in making decisions regarding moral and/or religious matters. Every individual has a choice central to pers onal dignity and autonomy. This then leads to the second assertion that euthanasia is an ethical conduct that helps patient to acquire natural death. Throughout the centuries, human beings have enabled themselves to prolong their lives through the use of newly developed vaccination and life-supporting machines. Humans are the only mammals who expand their life cycles relying on technology. However, in most of cases where euthanasia is conducted, patients are suffering from terminal illnesses and incurable diseases which technology cannot cure but can only sustain the lives of patients. If the technology fails to cure the disease but only functions to relieve the pain, it is natural to let go of dying one as happens in nature Social Pressure Then, to draw answer for the second question: should euthanasia be legalized?, one should comprehend the concepts of two different types of euthanasia. The first form of euthanasia is the voluntary euthanasia due to severe pain caused from terminally incurable illness, or if the patient has no hope of recovery according to the opinions of doctors, or if the patient wishes to relieve the financial and psychological burden on patients family, the patient could make a voluntary decision to terminate his or her life. As such, this form of euthanasia is also referred as euthanasia by consent. In the context of international laws, voluntary euthanasia has the least controversies. The first controversy is whether the patient is mentally competent to make a desired decision. As the patient is situated in extreme circumstance, he or she may have difficulty in making rational choices whether to receive euthanasia or not. Prepossessed with the desire to avoid any more suffering, patient may la ck a thorough understanding of the consequence of euthanasia definitive death. Thus, although patient may be willing to request for euthanasia, request may not reflect patients authentic thoughts. However, if euthanasia is carried under scrupulous procedures patients desire for euthanasia must be consistent and strong for certain period of time, constant medical assessment on the patients mental status, etc it would be easy to prove or disprove whether the patient is mentally competent or not. Social pressure is another controversial issue that can affect the patients decision. For many people, they do not want to be a burden on their loved ones when they become weak, incapable of looking after themselves and approach death. According to the perspective of the patient, dying can be a tiring and expensive process upon family members who by reason of law and custom, have to support the patient as well as their own livings. However, this social pressure can again be related to the i ssue of mental competence. If the patient is mentally competent, fully acknowledging factors of social pressure and how those affect ones decision, this should not be an issue of controversy. Thus, the government should not question or to disprove a patients voluntary decision to proceed euthanasia, if he or she is officially proven to be mentally competent. Last but least, some religions prohibit any form of suicide, and most people consider euthanasia as an indirect form of suicide. However, since not all shares the same religion and thus beliefs, some religion may allow euthanasia; thus peoples beliefs promoting euthanasia must not be prevented by the government since it is very contradictory if government advocates freedom of religion but prohibits euthanasia by consent for reasons of religious beliefs. This is comparable to demanding a patient to accept a particular religion and its beliefs. Involuntary euthanasia is the second form of euthanasia due to patients incapability t o make decision (patient is in a coma, have severe brain damage, or have mental disabilities to a very severe extent), decisions regarding euthanasia, must be made by friends, family or doctors of patients in order to bring the most beneficial course of treatment. As such, this form of euthanasia is often referred as euthanasia without consent. In comparison to voluntary euthanasia, this form is definitely more complicated. In most of the cases, people who make the decisions friends, family members, doctors do not agree either among themselves or even with the patient. For instance, judging that any means to protract the life of patient would be redundant in the future, doctors may strongly advocate euthanasia. On the other hand, patients acquaintance family members, friends may be more familiar with the patients moral and ethical values and disagree with euthanasia as an ultimate mean to end ones life. Moreover, patients inability to communicate causes a further uncertainty. As most countries view euthanasia as an illegal medical practice, governments in most countries do not have any policies or laws indicating who has the final decision to terminate patients life. Therefore, in order to reduce any confusion, the government should not intervene to prohibit euthanasia prohibition of euthanasia completely ignores some views of people but should intervene to legalize euthanasia so that choices whether to conduct euthanasia or not can be left among patients associates. Then, by establishing laws as to who should be prioritized in making decisions for patient, patients may have greater chance to pass their opinions about euthanasia through acquaintance whereas government banning could only bring one outcome which may be less desirable to some patients. In this day and age, most countries have been very hypocritical regarding issues of euthanasia. Constitutions in most countries reject the notion/concept of human euthanasia while accepting animal euthanasia in most cases. On one hand, governments argue that euthanasia neglects the dignity of human life: Accepting euthanasia would replace the equality-of-human-life ethic with a utilitarian and nihilistic death culture that views the intentional ending of certain human lives as an appropriate and necessary answer to lifes most difficult challenges the dire consequences that would flow from such a radical shift in morality are profound and disturbing. Wesley Smith. JD, International Anti Euthanasia Task Force At the same time, on the other hand, the governments prohibiting euthanasia accept animal euthanasia. They seek to secure dignity of human life but not dignity of other living beings. For instance, in most countries, animal owners and veterinarians have primary decisions to put down the lives of animal and there are no moral or legal issues against these acts. No complicated procedure is taken and the voices of animal owner and veterinarians humans are dominant. On the other han d, vague efforts have been put in to recognize the feelings of animal ignorance. Some may view euthanasia as murder, assisted suicide or mercy killing. However, no matter what forms that euthanasia takes, I believe that the primary decision whether to practice euthanasia or not should be given to the individual patients rather than the governments. Individuals must have decisions to live or die.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Social Constructs :: Sociology

Social Construct influences the extent in which we are healthy and physically active. It determines how we use health services, recreational facilities and sporting opportunities to our benefits. It also guides our response to health and physical activity challenges and how an individual views health as a social construct. The advantages of viewing health of an individual through social constructs have many reasons. Some being that it supports principles of diversity and social justice. Australia is diverse in terms of multiculturalism, socio-economic status and geographic location. Socio-economic status relates how much the individuals income is, their employment status, car/home ownership or their knowledge about health. Being geographically isolated means not having access to available health services. It is taken into account so that the individual has a sense of belonging and empowerment to improve their health. The individual should have a supportive environment so that changes can occur for the better and to ensure the individual develops a sense of ownership for their health. Another advantage would be that is recognises the interrelationships between socio-cultural and environmental factors that influence social constructs. Many cultural and environmental factors impact and influence in individual?s health. Some of these may include, the climatic conditions, physical environment which influences the health of the individual and what society and culture expects of them. Climatic conditions can have a big impact of an individual?s health because of the decreasing amount of space to do physical activity. Final advantage is that it challenges the notion that health is solely an individual?s responsibility. For improvements to be made in health, the individual has to take full responsibility and to agree that they are to be blamed for their poor health levels. Through influences of social constructs the individual should make informed decisions regarding their health and should be more motivated to facilitate change.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Two Heads Are Better Than One

Societies are likely to decline due to corruption, in the passage we read â€Å"the soldiers got restless and only the rich could afford to raise an army to fight on Romeos behalf† Here we can notice that, because of corruption which resulted on the lack of funds the government could no longer provide protection for Rome. Therefore the richer members of society used their own funds to pay for the country's army. The government failed to deliver services in a good quality that was expected.The quality of life deteriorates and people tend to develop a mentality of the survival of the fittest. 2. The effective way of fighting corruption is by; 3. 1 Teaching morality at home as well as at school and churches, especially to the young children since they are the future leaders. If moral values are emphasized from a younger age the future generation will have better morals 3. 2 Introduction of a regular form of auditing for the government departments at least on a monthly basis. 3. I ntroducing nongovernmental charity organizations to Andre some of the public funds 3. 4 Increase the awareness programmer regarding corruption, make the community take a stand and report any non- conformance's from the government officials. 3. The reasons why successful societies are the least corrupt, is because of satisfaction In most of the needs. There Is no reason for any corruption at all; the rate of employment is high when compared to unemployment. People develop in terms of entrepreneurship which results In Job creation opportunities.Proper education Is guaranteed, people are tolerant and humanity is maintained. 4. The social indicators which demonstrate that the society is well run may Include the following; Good Infrastructure-the public funds are used in a proper way and the government is able to provide services such as rail, roads, ports and social grant for senior citizens. Proper housing Is provided by the government for the people who are unable to buy their own hou ses. Unemployment rate Is very low as well as the crime rate Is low, education Is improved and the public funds are not misused.Section B Tenderheartedness Private use of public property and funds Favoritism Bribery Nepotism Societal corruption BEE Fronting Failed society Figurer . (Different forms of corruption) In this article we are going to discuss the ways in which corruption cripples the development of society, what are the different forms of corruption as well as causes and consequences of this corruption as illustrated on figure 1 above.We will further discuss the possible measures which can be utilized in order to eradicate this disease which has become a barrier for the societal development. 2. WHY DO WE HAVE CORRUPTION IN SOCIETY? 3. 1 Greed Power hungry politicians are the greediest ones and are likely to be vulnerable when it comes to corruption. It is not the whole government that is corrupt; it is the individuals within the structures who got into positions not to del iver the services that have been promised, but to satisfy their own personal needs. . 2 Lack of education People seem to overlook and never notice the misuse of public property and funds due lack of education. The officials may bring documentation for reviews, but since communities lack educated personnel who can interpret the documents, then the name officials can mislead the public into believing whatever they say regarding the public funds. 3. 3 Lack of morals Nowadays people seem to not know now to distinguish between right and wrong, as long as they got what they want that is all that matters.We are moving towards a state whereby corruption is being accepted as a norm. 3. 4 Poverty arty is one of the aspects that contribute towards the acts of corruption in the society. Some people will go an extra mile doing all the wrong things towards the other members of society. A gentleman or a lady may come and tell everyone moieties even use the media for advertising posts for a certain company yet there is no such, but since the society is stricken by poverty nobody will seem to worry about the scam as long as there are Jobs to be offered.At the end of the day they pay some bribery money and that gentleman or lady is gone forever with their money Bribery and how it affect the society Bribery is the act whereby a person offers or request a payment in return for a favor, for example. If person is caught speeding or driving under influence of alcohol or any kind of drugs, either the police officer ask for payment so that he She can let him/her go or the offender may offers to pay the police officer for his/her freedom.The practices like this had made the society to lose their faith on the police department as well as Justice. In some cases we find that people who are not qualified for a particular Job are being hired only because they had paid the recruiter, some company officials may even request for sex in return for a position. The company will end up with the pe ople who are not suitable for the Job and the exults will be very negative, since unqualified personnel will never be productive.If the company is no longer productive there will be a negative impact on the society, because a lot of people may lose their Jobs Just because of bribery. 3 4. 6 Private use of the public funds and property. Private use of the public funds and property has been a serious issue in South Africa, and it has resulted in non delivery of the services which the funds or property were meant for. There are cases whereby people die because they could not get the help room the police, Just because there were no vans at the police station since Mr. so and so had taken his wife to work with the police van.Incidents like these do not promote crime in the society, because the culprits know that the police are not responding to the cases which are being reported. In South Africa, corruption has been taken as a norm and it seems like it is an acceptable practice. It is ev ident that the society is not developing at all, in terms of infrastructure, service delivery as well as housing. We need to teach the value of morale TTY to the young ones who will be our next leaders.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Silver Ships

Silver Ships Facilities Silver Ships is located on 16 acres in Theodore, Alabama just South of Mobile on Bellingrath Road. After moving into a 15,000 square foot building in 1996, they soon after expanded a second time. Since then, they have added over 12,000 square feet of additional production space and they have built additional office spaces. All aspects of the vessel construction, from the custom design to the final assembly, are conducted in an enclosed production facilities and the location gives the company convenient access to Mobile Bay, where it conducts extensive sea trials. Silver Ships uses state of the art welding equipment and laser cut parts in the construction of our aluminum boats. History Silver Ships, Inc. was founded by Mike McCarty after a successful career in the commercial fishing industry in 1985; it was originally intended to be a small scale operation but eventually grew. In 1988, Silver Ships began using computer automated design (CAD), which expanded its capabilities as a boat design company. In 1990, Silver Ships built its first aluminum rigid hulled inflatable boat. In 1996, Silver Ships moved its operations to Theodore, Alabama, where it is currently located. In 1997, Silver Ships began contracting for AMBAR Marine, which is currently associated with. In 2000, Silverships purchased Ambar Marine, but due to the factor of name recognition of AMBAR Marine, it chose to keep its name. In 2002, Silver Ships added 12,000 sq ft. of space in order to be able to increase production within the company. Generic Strategy Silver Ships ‚a„? generic strategy involves a narrow, differentiated scope. The company does not try to enter into other markets and focuses on providing aluminum boats for governmental agencies. The way Silver Ships differentiates itself is by providing customizable boats for its customers. SWOT Analysis Strengths Some of Silver Ships ‚a„? strengths include its relationship with customers, maintaining an efficient workspace and an employee-friendly atmosphere. SilverShips employs many ex-military members. This is a definite strength providing a direct channel to military customers. This is helpful in bids on jobs provided by Silver Ships. Secondly, SilverShips work area is efficiently layed out. Currently there are three buildings that provide a flow of work that is not only cost-effective, but also very efficient. This allows for employees to specialize in certain aspects of the boat building process. In addition to the relationships with customers and the efficient workspace provided, Silver Ships also has strong management expertise. All managers and department employees have the experience and skill that is hard to duplicate. Coupled with the employee-friendly environment, that allows employees flexible schedules, allows for an efficient, friendly workplace. Weaknesses In addition to strengths, Silver Ships also has weaknesses. Some of these include location, transportation and size of facilities. Silver Ships is located in south Mobile County in Theodore, AL. The location is very inconvenient for the transportation of boats. The highway it is located on is very narrow and provides difficulty for moving boats to and from customers. Opportunities Silver Ships is located in a growing area. The southern Mobile County area is growing rapidly, and it is expected to move more towards the Theodore area in which SilverShips is located. This can possibly increase the amount of business that is received by Silver Ships and allow for future growth. Threats With Mobile ‚a„? recent acquisitions of companies such as EADS and ThyssenKrupp, Silver Ships may face increased turnover from employees that are relocating to larger companies such as EADS and ThyssenKrupp. Labor Market In the coming years, the labor market in Mobile, AL will become increasingly more competitive. As of now, there are two new, large companies that will be entering the Mobile area and bring with them an esti mated total of 29,000+ construction jobs, 4,200 direct jobs, and 15,000+ spin off jobs. This huge influx in the demand for labor will put a strain on existing companies to retain and attract employees. Alabama Industrial Development and Training (AIDT) should help to provide the Mobile area with a skilled labor force to meet this demand. AIDT was ranked the #1 state sponsored training program by Expansion Management in 2006. They provide training, at no cost, for employers and trainees, and they are fully customizable. AIDT was the first training program in the United States to be ISO 9001:2000 certified for their Quality Management System. They also provide consultation and training for companies that wish to become ISO 9000 certified.

The Legend of El Dorado essays

The Legend of El Dorado essays The Legend of El Dorado, or the gilded man, is a centuries-old story About a native Indian king whose body was covered with powdered gold. It is believed that he still appears to his people. Looking for gold and treasures intrigued the Spanish colonizers, Indians, and Muiscas. The natives were rich in gold and seemed to have obtained their wealth from a place outside their home towns. From some captured natives the Spaniards began to hear of a legendary king and leader by the name of El Dorado. The legend begins with the spiritual ceremony of appointing El Dorado the new leader. As part of the rites, the king was to journey out to the great lagoon of Guatavita to make an offering to the gods. An elaborately decorated raft was made and loaded with all sorts of treasures from the village to be used as a sacrifice (Morrison 84). On the day of the ceremony the king was stripped to his bare-skin. He was then anointed with sticky oil and completely covered with gold dust. As the raft pushed off shore, the smoke from burning torches and incense, resin, And 2 other perfumes shrouded the area in darkness. The king was accompanied by four chiefs decked in golden crowns, bracelets, pendants, and ear rings. When the raft reached the center of the lagoon, a banner was raised as a sign calling for silence. The gilded man then threw out the piles of gold and treasure into the center of the lake. As he headed to shore, the villagers celebrated with song and dance. They were happy that a new ruler had been received and recognized as king. The gold offerings would also ensure that the villagers would be protected and blessed with wealth (DuBois Since then it is believed El Dorado sometimes appears to his people by a lake in the mountains. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Using Soren Kierkegaard’s Philosophies Of Truth To Analyze A Doll’s House

Using Soren Kierkegaard’s Philosophies of Truth to Analyze A Doll’s House In Henrik Ibsen’s play A Doll’s House, the main character, Nora Helmer, is a woman whose life is ridden with worry, guilt, alienation, and deception. These feelings come from lying to her husband for the length of their marriage. She lies to her husband because she does not want to displease him, this choice has made her a â€Å"doll† for her husband to control and manipulate. At the end of the play the truth is exposed and Nora frees herself from her marriage. Kierkegaard believed that finding and knowing your self is a challenge because we are always changing paths. His philosophy is that we need to chose our selves and construct our identities by means of decisions, actions, and commitment. He also believed that there is one truth that is truly known only to God. Kierkegaard’s â€Å"truth† establishes the justice that Nora deserves, makes an unknown reality known to her, and transforms Nora into her true self. Nora has spent 8years of her life lying to her controlling husband. Her life is full of anxiety because she is afraid that her husband will learn the truth. This anxiety leads to despair which she cannot overcome. This despair has made her a prisoner to herself. In The Divine Justice, Kierkegaard says that sins relating to our laws are punished in our world but sins that relate to God’s laws seem to go unnoticed. Through actions, decisions, and commitment people are able to find themselves. When the truth is finally exposed Nora is revealed as her new self.... Free Essays on Using Soren Kierkegaard’s Philosophies Of Truth To Analyze A Doll’s House Free Essays on Using Soren Kierkegaard’s Philosophies Of Truth To Analyze A Doll’s House Using Soren Kierkegaard’s Philosophies of Truth to Analyze A Doll’s House In Henrik Ibsen’s play A Doll’s House, the main character, Nora Helmer, is a woman whose life is ridden with worry, guilt, alienation, and deception. These feelings come from lying to her husband for the length of their marriage. She lies to her husband because she does not want to displease him, this choice has made her a â€Å"doll† for her husband to control and manipulate. At the end of the play the truth is exposed and Nora frees herself from her marriage. Kierkegaard believed that finding and knowing your self is a challenge because we are always changing paths. His philosophy is that we need to chose our selves and construct our identities by means of decisions, actions, and commitment. He also believed that there is one truth that is truly known only to God. Kierkegaard’s â€Å"truth† establishes the justice that Nora deserves, makes an unknown reality known to her, and transforms Nora into her true self. Nora has spent 8years of her life lying to her controlling husband. Her life is full of anxiety because she is afraid that her husband will learn the truth. This anxiety leads to despair which she cannot overcome. This despair has made her a prisoner to herself. In The Divine Justice, Kierkegaard says that sins relating to our laws are punished in our world but sins that relate to God’s laws seem to go unnoticed. Through actions, decisions, and commitment people are able to find themselves. When the truth is finally exposed Nora is revealed as her new self....

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Implications for Social Work Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Implications for Social Work Practice - Essay Example Human services have been defined by different scholars but there is a general guideline that it refers to jobs whose aim is to provide a particular service to society and in particular during the time of a crisis. It is a service provided to people so as to help in their stability on life as well as get self-sufficiency usually by counseling, guidance, treating and providing their basic needs (Woodside & McClam, 2011). Human services usually refer to a wide variety of services such as education, social welfare and healthcare such as mental services. These are services rendered to individuals or groups in society. These services are provided in order to meet their basic needs since all humans have needs but others are in more need than others due to their health status. Human services addresses the needs and problems that people have either as individual or collectively as a group. These services facilitate the daily lives of the needy groups such as the sick, poor and the elderly by enabling them to function and cope with life. Human services have programs as well as facilities that aim at meeting basic welfare of society. These services have been categorized as health, personal social services, education, housing, income transfer and employment training (Neukrug, 2002). Human services are disseminated through programs and policies. Their delivery is through a system which involves laws and regulations. As Woodside & McClam (2011) states, human services will address the problems people are having with either society at large for instance deviance, in organizations such as poverty and unemployment, with primary groups for instance divorce and difficulties amongst individuals themselves be it mental or emotional.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Managing change at Bingham Business College Essay

Managing change at Bingham Business College - Essay Example The paper tells that in recent years, organizations have experienced increased need for change in order to remain relevant and be successful. The inevitability of change in organizations has been brought about by several factors key among them; competition, technological advancements, new innovations, and increased customers and public expectations. As a result, managers have been forced to initiate and implement change in the organizations to meet the new organizational challenges that are emerging. Forest argues that in as a much as managers understand the importance of introducing and implementing change, they are often unsuccessful in managing change. Most change processes do not achieve their intended purpose; sometimes change has more adverse effects to the company. Managing change in organizations often present managers with challenges that if not well addressed may lead to unintended consequences of change. Learning Organization framework is a critical tool that can be used t o identify and analyze problems and challenges that managers face in while implementing change within the organization, both in the short and long term. According to Senge, learning organization is defined as the organization where individuals continually expand and enhance their capacity in order to create their desired results, where expansive and new thinking patterns are nurtured, where aspirations are set free collectively, and where individuals are learning continually to see the whole together. Learning organizations are characterized by full involvement of employee in a collectively conducted process, and collectively accountable change that is directed towards shared principles or values (Smith and Tosey, 1999, p. 73). It is important to note that learning organization is ideal towards which organizations need to evolve so as to be in a suitable situation to respond to the various challenges and problems that the face at a given time (Finger and Brand, 1999, p. 136). Learni ng organization is a powerful tool for transforming employees and places where they work. It creates room where people can learn from experience, even though it does not usually do so when individuals are learning on behalf of the system (Ellinger, Yang, and Ellinger, 2000, p. 106). Senge (2006, p. 13) explains that Learning Organization framework is made up five major disciplines namely systems thinking, mental models, team learning, shared vision, and personal mastery. These disciplines provide framework in which change management problems can be identified and analysed. Senge (2006, p. 40) identifies systems thinking as one of the concept that underpins Learning Organization. According to him, systems thinking aim at bringing about change and promoting interdependency within the organization in order to achieve organizational goals. Under this concept, the focus is mostly on the whole rather than individual parts. Also, systems thinking concept evaluates the long- term goals vers us short- term benefits. It is based on the belief that better appreciation of systems will lead to more appropriate action (Smith and Tosey, 1999, p. 70). The second concept that underpins Leadership Organization is mental modes that entail generalizations and assumptions deeply ingrained within an organization. Senge (2006, p. 46) argues that there should be

655 Research outline and citations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

655 Research outline and citations - Assignment Example Moreover, they build one’s morale and the ability to work in a team boosting the leadership skills that the contemporary world so desire. As the societies are becoming litigious, it is important to integrate the aspect of ethics into the volunteer programs. The case will help to bolster an understanding toward the expectations of the communities. Besides, the level of ethics incorporated into the volunteer activities will accentuate the levels of open-mindedness, realism, and the extent of being informed. Further, the situation will guide professional development due interactions with many people from diverse settings (Samuel, Wolf & Schilling, 2013). In the contemporary arena, many people aspire to give back to their communities. Volunteering in a myriad of activities helps in the realization of this situation. The volunteer activities bring moments of happiness into the other people’s lives through helping them achieve what they desire (Angood, 2015). Similarly, long-term volunteer activities have lots of rewards to the doer as they satisfy their emotional and spiritual conceptions (Dekker, 2003). Moreover, the beneficiaries will have their social lives enhanced and a there will be a smile left after termination of the volunteer activities. The volunteers will have better social and relational skills, gain experience, build confidence, and retain their physical health (Jenkinson, 2013). Compounded in leadership, volunteerism should build on the principles such as; having a realization that missions motivate while maintenance does not. In this context, the organizations such as the ODNRA need to develop strong missions and mission statements that help and guide the volunteers in the execution of their duties and responsibilities (Volunteer Government, 2015). Also, as a leader, one should avoid falling prey to the trap of a generalist or a specialist. Contextually, the leader must have it in mind that the sole duty is to influence and not to

American government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American government - Essay Example Age is another factor where the young tend not to vote considering perhaps that their voting would not make a difference showing a lack of understanding or trust in the system. Older voters, over the age of 45, tend to vote more as an age group. More recently, statistics have shown that citizens over the age of 60 have voted more than in the past (Cummings and Wise 328). Religion plays a role in voter participation as religious groups tend to reach out to their communities in organized action (Cummings and Wise 328). Finally, another socioeconomic factor is behavior of marginalized groups, who like religious groups, would gravitate towards community based campaigns. Also, a number of marginalized groups may feel disenfranchised and not participate in voting at all (Hay 20). Objectivity and bias in the press and the Court’s protection of its freedom: Objectivity in reporting means that the reporter strips away any personal bias and produces a report which is based on facts, is convincing, espouses human values, presents a fair context and has views from all parties concerned. In practice, however, it is easier said than done. When the founder of Christian Broadcasting Network, CBN, Pat Robertson, lost in his bid to win Republican nomination for presidential candidate in 1988, he came back to his network and accused the â€Å"liberal media establishment† of â€Å"masking their basic bias† while claiming objectivity (Vaughn 98). CBN is a network that appeals to the Christian right and conservative political agenda. The â€Å"establishment† he referred to were the three major networks considered liberal, ABC, CBS and NBC. So which side was biased ? It seems the answer lies in what the reader or viewer himself believes in but it is still important for a journalist associated with any organization to have made an attempt to be objective (Hachten XV). On another

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cultural Stereotypes as Reflected in Literature Essay

Cultural Stereotypes as Reflected in Literature - Essay Example In the same way as the concept of stereotyping had been introduced in the first paragraph, stereotyping is defined as â€Å"making generalizations or assumptions about the characteristics of all members of a group based on an image (often wrong) about what people in that group are like,† (Burger and Els 105). Certain observed qualities have been used to describe a certain group of objects or people and that is stereotyping. It is possible that a person had just seen some people wearing glasses study very hard and that person might generalize that all people are nerds. In reality, that is not the case as people may get blurry eyes due to aging, computer eye strain and other eye diseases. In such practice, a person or people are placed in certain categories using certain criteria like a color of the skin, nationality, religion, ethnic race and even gender and sexual orientation (Cook and Cusack 10). In using categories to group people with the prevailing image, discrimination is inevitable. In line with discrimination come prejudices and pains. As discrimination becomes rampant because of stereotyping, the treatment balance among people have been subjected to several stresses and strains as people are judged for qualities that do not make up their whole selves. People are judged for skin color like black, discriminated for their sexual orientation like being gay, offended for being immigrants, punished for practicing their religious rituals, and hurt for on-going wars where peace is not an option (Kruhm and Wirths 1).

Human Resources Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human Resources Management - Case Study Example This outlet has more permanent employees and less of casual workers and this requires at least 80 workers to be laid off. This raises significant questions about the manner in which redundancy should be handled by the human resource department in Wordsmiths. There are certain legal issues that she has to consider before making a strategic plan on redundancy. ... had been charged with making workers redundant by discrimination on the basis of age.3 HRIMS and workforce data HRIS helps in storing and reviewing data with respect to effectively manage the workforce. Prior to configuring the HRIMS, Gemma should strive to understand the requirements, opinions and concerns of the workforce.4 The HRIS system should be configured to have maximum possible information about the workforce. Some critical information which Gemma needs to configure would be the information about the workforce in Mainly Books including payroll (payroll accounting and time reporting), managing workforce (commencement, termination and exits of employees), system integration and maintenance (managing software updates and system regulations, managing the interfaces of the system).5 The workforce data can include a plethora of information about the employees in Mainly Books. The information on employees has to start from simple aspects like employee name, address, family details, qualifications, attributes, joining date to highly complex aspects which helps in easing decision making. Such complex aspects may include restructuring, training, internal promotions, on-boarding, performance management, external hiring (in this case for payroll), outsourcing details, succession planning, talent analytics and workforce planning, leadership development, career development and employee retention and engagement . One of the main challenges faced by Gemma is that the company acquired did not maintain any information on human resources. Hence, she will have to speak to the store managers for getting data with respect to payroll. Most of the employee personal data will be found from the store managers. After careful discussion with store managers certain training gaps need to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

American government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American government - Essay Example Age is another factor where the young tend not to vote considering perhaps that their voting would not make a difference showing a lack of understanding or trust in the system. Older voters, over the age of 45, tend to vote more as an age group. More recently, statistics have shown that citizens over the age of 60 have voted more than in the past (Cummings and Wise 328). Religion plays a role in voter participation as religious groups tend to reach out to their communities in organized action (Cummings and Wise 328). Finally, another socioeconomic factor is behavior of marginalized groups, who like religious groups, would gravitate towards community based campaigns. Also, a number of marginalized groups may feel disenfranchised and not participate in voting at all (Hay 20). Objectivity and bias in the press and the Court’s protection of its freedom: Objectivity in reporting means that the reporter strips away any personal bias and produces a report which is based on facts, is convincing, espouses human values, presents a fair context and has views from all parties concerned. In practice, however, it is easier said than done. When the founder of Christian Broadcasting Network, CBN, Pat Robertson, lost in his bid to win Republican nomination for presidential candidate in 1988, he came back to his network and accused the â€Å"liberal media establishment† of â€Å"masking their basic bias† while claiming objectivity (Vaughn 98). CBN is a network that appeals to the Christian right and conservative political agenda. The â€Å"establishment† he referred to were the three major networks considered liberal, ABC, CBS and NBC. So which side was biased ? It seems the answer lies in what the reader or viewer himself believes in but it is still important for a journalist associated with any organization to have made an attempt to be objective (Hachten XV). On another

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Human Resources Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human Resources Management - Case Study Example This outlet has more permanent employees and less of casual workers and this requires at least 80 workers to be laid off. This raises significant questions about the manner in which redundancy should be handled by the human resource department in Wordsmiths. There are certain legal issues that she has to consider before making a strategic plan on redundancy. ... had been charged with making workers redundant by discrimination on the basis of age.3 HRIMS and workforce data HRIS helps in storing and reviewing data with respect to effectively manage the workforce. Prior to configuring the HRIMS, Gemma should strive to understand the requirements, opinions and concerns of the workforce.4 The HRIS system should be configured to have maximum possible information about the workforce. Some critical information which Gemma needs to configure would be the information about the workforce in Mainly Books including payroll (payroll accounting and time reporting), managing workforce (commencement, termination and exits of employees), system integration and maintenance (managing software updates and system regulations, managing the interfaces of the system).5 The workforce data can include a plethora of information about the employees in Mainly Books. The information on employees has to start from simple aspects like employee name, address, family details, qualifications, attributes, joining date to highly complex aspects which helps in easing decision making. Such complex aspects may include restructuring, training, internal promotions, on-boarding, performance management, external hiring (in this case for payroll), outsourcing details, succession planning, talent analytics and workforce planning, leadership development, career development and employee retention and engagement . One of the main challenges faced by Gemma is that the company acquired did not maintain any information on human resources. Hence, she will have to speak to the store managers for getting data with respect to payroll. Most of the employee personal data will be found from the store managers. After careful discussion with store managers certain training gaps need to

The Prevalence of Imperialism in the Modern World Essay Example for Free

The Prevalence of Imperialism in the Modern World Essay Imperialism is a policy of conquering and ruling other lands usually with a motive of resources or land. Two well-known examples of imperialism lie in the movie, Avatar, and in the Belgian King Leopold’s deceitful conquest of the Congo. The two stories both have similar actions when it comes to the conquerors decisions, but it was a bit more different when it came to the native people’s reactions and way they were treated by the â€Å"imperialists† against the threat of imperialism. The two examples used to help better understand what and how Imperialism works is in actual history, when Leopold took over the Congo; in the popular film, Avatar. Starting with Leopold’s reign of the Congo, the main motive behind Leopold’s campaign was resources. At first he wanted ivory and then he found out there was more economical promise with the invention of cars, and car tires need a lot of rubber. Leopold set out to enslave the people of the Congo to become the rubber harvesters for his economy, razed their villages to the ground for an easily obtained plantation foundation, and paid them just enough to survive. This situation in history differs from Avatar because the native people, the na’vi, were not enslaved. In Avatar, the â€Å"imperialists† in the plot are the humans and also want a precious resource called unobtanium, which also provides huge economic promise selling for twenty-million a kilo. In both examples, the â€Å"imperialists† are in it for the resources and could probably care less about the natives. The difference between the examples caring and not caring is that in Leopold’s situation, he lies to the world saying he is going to help the natives; give it civilization with schools and medicine, all of which he did not attempt. Whereas in Avatar, the scientists, which were one group (or side) of the human â€Å"imperialists† which did try to give them schools, roads and modernization. The leader of the humans stated, â€Å"We tried to give them everything, but they like mud.† The attempt to give the na’vi the education and such that the humans obtained failed, so like Leopold’s reign, they brought the violent approach to the natives of Pandora. Another similarity between the examples was that the â€Å"imperialists† had major technological advancements over the na’vi and the people of the Congo. This allowed them to keep in power (the imperialists) and have an advantage in any uprisings that had occurred. Both parties’ â€Å"imperialists† had the same idea of Darwinism, in which they think they are better than another in almost every aspect. The final aspect of these examples is that Leopold’s men did inhumane things to the people of the Congo, maiming them and killing them for sport, whereas the humans in Avatar destroyed sacred places of the na’vi. The two parties may have taken different approaches when attacking the native peoples, but the same outcome occurr ed. This outcome was heavy demoralization. Destroying their culture influenced the native people’s will to resist the technologically superior imperialists. All the above factors gave the imperialists advantages in some situations but also things to be ashamed of. Imperialism, when found in history or is used in pop culture, has more or less the same motives, resources. The need for resources is apparent in the above example of history and in the popular movie, Avatar; could be foreshadowing the long term effects of Imperialism on our world.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Gender Differences in Crime

Gender Differences in Crime Criminal patterns by women and by men have both similarities and differences. Women and men are more prone to committing minor substance abuse and property crimes, rather than serious ones like murder or robbery. The main gender disparity in criminal activity is that men commit offenses at a higher rate than women do, except for prostitution (Heidensohn). Gender difference is more distinct in serious crimes, while it is least discernible in petty ones, which is a phenomenon called gender gap in offending (Rennison, 2009, p. 172). Particularly, it has been evidenced that 19% of criminal act perpetrators are women, yet they are also more likely victims of crime: as of late 2009, two women are slain every week by a former or current partner, and 44% of violent crimes against females are domestic (White, 2010). Meanwhile, women have been imprisoned for offenses like possession of stolen property, theft and drug charges. Other characteristics of female offenders include, (i) 15% have been confined to a psychiatric hospital, (ii) 40% have been drug-dependent since the year prior to their imprisonment, (iii) 20% have been in rehabilitation (White, 2010). A new focus of criminology is the study of criminal careers and although research on this topic has been limited to violent offenses, it has been established that (i) women perpetrate violent crimes to a much lesser degree than males; (ii) the criminal careers of violent women start and reach its peak a bit earlier than men; and (iii) to thoroughly comprehend the gender gap in crime, variables such as age and gender must be taken into account (Rennison, 2009). According to Callie Marie Rennison, race has always played an essential role in violent offending (175). She pointed out that minorities make up a large population of offenders. For instance, Rennison cites data from the U.S. Department of Justice gleaned from arrest reports and victimization surveys attesting that Blacks are disproportionately found among violent offenders (Rennison, 2007, p. 175). She also lamented the fact that studies on gender gap have largely omitted gender and age, and joins the call for moving beyond simple comparisons of offending by gender (Rennison, 2007, p. 175). Evidence attests that there is a substantial overlapping in the social perspective of criminal acts perpetrated by men and women (Hall, 2009, p. 5). To note, it has been proven that female and male offenders both usually have low socio-economic standing, come from minority groups, unemployed or under-employed, and poorly-educated (Hall, 2007). In light of these social implications on gender disparity in crime, there have been questions on whether biological factors could be stronger determinants in crime as compared to social factors. Here is a look at the differing theories on crime and gender disparity. Traditional theories about gender disparity in crime are, Anomie, Labeling and Personality Theory. Anomie postulates that females commit crimes at a lower rate than males because they are less subjected to cultural pressures to achieve success materially (Hall, 2007). In Labeling, parental acceptance of violence, neighborhood and home violence all increase the odds that a male will be involved in crime and violence (Ramoutar and Farrington, 2005.) Males who have had episodes of severe punishments at home for misdemeanors were less likely to commit property crimes or violent offenses. Meanwhile, men who were labeled negatively by people in his environment, and men who had poor self-esteems, were twice as likely to participate in violent and property crimes (Ramoutar and Farrington, 2005, p. 563) On the other hand, women who perceived that they were negatively labeled tended to participate in violent crimes, but females who have been at the receiving end of violence were more likely to be involved in both petty and violent crimes (Ramoutar and Farrington, 2005.) In contrast with their male counterparts, being subjected to severe punishments at home due to misdemeanors, increased females tendency to commit violent crimes. The most dominant personality dimensions that are associated with crime are self-centered orientation, low empathy, venturesomeness and impulsivity (Ramoutar and Farrington, 2005, p. 558). Male offenders were characterized by enjoyment of intense and new endeavors, as well as by risk taking all descriptive of venturesomeness. They also had low rates of empathy. In female offenders, venturesomeness and impulsivity were reasons for criminal behavior; and, self-centeredness increased female offending by 100%. Female offenders were not characterized by low empathy and low empathy (Ramoutar and Farrington, 2005). Biological Perspective The biological perspective on gender differences in crime rate points out that genetics determines the criminal behavior of a person. Neurochemicals trigger the behavioral tendencies and patterns in the human brain. One of these neurochemicals, monoamine oxidase (MOA), is linked to antisocial behavior: low levels of monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) cause disinhibition, which, in turn, can result in aggression and impulsivity (Jones 2005). MOA has intertwining functions with other neurochemicals that have already been associated with criminal and antisocial behavior, like dopamine, serotonin, epinephrine and norepinephrine. Dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine are also closely linked with the personality factor of psychosis (Jones 2005). On the other hand, serotonin affects brain development, and low levels of serotonin plays a significant role in triggering bipolar disorder, anxiety and depression. Moreover, serotonin is closely linked with aggression, which can be a trigger for criminal behavior. Dopamine is one of the neurotransmitters of the brain that provides feelings of pleasure, and thus, motivates people to do certain acts. A study conducted by Katherine Morley and Dwayne Hall in 2003 showed that there is an association between violent offenders and the dopaminergic pathway (Morley and Hall, 2003). Basing on these information, it could also be plausible that genetics plays a role in criminal behavior. Hence, supporters of the biological theory in criminal behavior assert that crime rates may be curbed by monitoring offspring and immediate family of known criminals, so that they may be tested for MAO (Morley and Hall, 2003). On the other hand, critics point out that this is not easy to accomplish because of m oral implications youngsters could be classified as potential criminals even if they have not committed any offense yet. Also, there is the ever present fear that governments may start using drugs to wage battle against crime, instead of addressing relevant social problems. It is important to recall that gender disparity in crime high level of male offending in comparison with females is absolutely accepted by criminologists. It is also important to note that gender disparity varies according to time, geographic area, race and age of the perpetrators. If gender disparity is indeed caused by genes, then the former will not vary as it does according to time, geographic area, race and age of the perpetrators. Thus, the biological theory is rather inadequate to explain gender differences in crime rate. New Female Criminal Freda Adler, a criminal professor at Rutgers University, published a book in 1975, entitled Sisters in crime: The rise of the new female criminal (Adler, 1975). The profile of the new female criminal, as explained by Adler, was considered as the most powerful and influential expert on female criminality more than three decades ago. According to Adler, the feminist movement may be credited with promoting positive changes in womens lives, i.e., social position, employment, marriage and family (Hamilton, 2010). She noted that women used to have the same hopes and ambitions as men, but they have not been able to attain these because of oppression towards their gender. Womens liberation changed all these, as females began to be empowered to pursue their dreams and ambitions and achieve them. However, Adler explained that womens lib had a darker side (Hamilton, 2010). Just as they were being productive, they were also pressing into crime (Hamilton, 2010). Women began to compete with men, even in the criminal world, wherein they were attempting to carve their own niches. And just as women became stevedores, soldiers, lawyers and doctors; they also became terrorists, embezzlers, forgers and burglars (Hamilton, 2010). Adler theorized that with womens liberation, a new breed of women offenders had come on the scene. She noted that the feminist movement created structural opportunities which women took advantage of by adopting the same characteristics as men: risk-taking, aggression and assertiveness. These, she said, were also the same qualities that enabled men to commit crimes. Adler has since, authored three more books on the topic, but modern times has seen critics bringing down her theories. For one, Adlers theories are weak in the sense that there are no supporting research evidencing that females who lived liberated lives committed more crimes than their more traditional peers. In addition to this, while it has been proven that most women offenders come from the lower socio-economic ladder, these same women rejected feminist ideals as distinctly middle-class. Moreover, feminists themselves shot down her theories, stating that these undermined the good intentions of womens rights (Hamilton, 2 010). Thus, it may be said that the new female criminal is more of a myth than reality. Which Theory is Correct? There are certain things to consider before determining which theory about gender  differences in crime is correct. Women have been engendered by moral principles which inculcate nurturing values in them, which restrain them from committing injurious deeds to others. Hence, females were less apt to commit crimes than the male counterparts, because of their nurturing and dependent nature (Cole and Smith, 2007, p. 57). Moreover, the criminal environment demands violence and physical power, which may account for lesser frequency and seriousness of crimes committed by women. Male have enhanced physical prowess and strength needed to commit graver crimes (JRank, 2010). In addition to this, women who wanted quick money but had no other means of getting it had opportunities to go into prostitution rather than commit crimes (JRank, 2010). Taking into consideration all these information, majority of studies concede that traditional theories are not given the deserving credit for explaining the patterns in criminal activity as it pertains to gender differences. Most of these theories are backed by hard evidence, and have outlasted the numerous modern theories that have sprung up and just as quickly, debunked by one study or the other. Majority of theorists agree that traditional perspectives are inadequate in explaining gender disparity in serious crimes, but a painstaking study of available data from research and experiments reveal that there is simply not much information in this area. Thus, the trend towards studying gender equality/inequality in criminal behavior must be continued, taking into consideration both traditional and biological perspectives, towards learning more about serious crimes. In doing this, the greater goal of curbing crime rates through significant research may be achieved.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Wicked Character Medea in Euripides Medea Essay -- Euripides Mede

The Wicked Character Medea in Euripides' Medea The character Medea is disliked by many that read Euripides' Medea. She is not really given much of a chance. It is difficult to read the tragedy without having negative feelings towards the main character. Some readers are content to just hate Medea, while others want to know what would compel a mother to come to be able to commit these crimes. Sara Warner writes, "Transgression must be built into any system in order for it to survive. For example, patriarchy, for lack of a better word, could not and would not exist if it simply operated on the brutal oppression and domination of the female sex" (Warner p. 159). Transgression is defined as an act, process, or instance of transgressing: as an infringement or violation of a law, command, or duty by Merriam-Webster. Roget's II The New Thesaurus says transgression is a wicked act. Medea's transgressions were all wicked acts. From tricking Pelias' daughters to murder their own father to killing her own children, Medea committed many crim es. Of course there are many other offenses in thi... The Wicked Character Medea in Euripides' Medea Essay -- Euripides Mede The Wicked Character Medea in Euripides' Medea The character Medea is disliked by many that read Euripides' Medea. She is not really given much of a chance. It is difficult to read the tragedy without having negative feelings towards the main character. Some readers are content to just hate Medea, while others want to know what would compel a mother to come to be able to commit these crimes. Sara Warner writes, "Transgression must be built into any system in order for it to survive. For example, patriarchy, for lack of a better word, could not and would not exist if it simply operated on the brutal oppression and domination of the female sex" (Warner p. 159). Transgression is defined as an act, process, or instance of transgressing: as an infringement or violation of a law, command, or duty by Merriam-Webster. Roget's II The New Thesaurus says transgression is a wicked act. Medea's transgressions were all wicked acts. From tricking Pelias' daughters to murder their own father to killing her own children, Medea committed many crim es. Of course there are many other offenses in thi...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Letters vs. E-mail Essay -- Communication Writing Technology Essays

Letters vs. E-mail: Communicating through Writing My grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins live in Ireland leaving oceans and expensive air fare separating us. Through pictures, stories, letters, and phone calls I have come to know the history of my family, what brought my mother to this country, and what a life in Ireland is like. However, over time these forms of communication were not strong and consistent enough to enable me to build an emotional connection and relationship with specific members of my family. I mainly just heard my mother’s point of view and got to know my family through her experiences with them. That was before the invention of electronic mail, a faster, cheaper outlet for communication that can reach anyone in the world who has access to the World Wide Web. Without technology, cyber space, and e-mail I would have very little communication and understanding of my family in Ireland. Prior to the creation of e-mail, writing letters was the best way to communicate overseas or anywhere a phone company considered long distance. Phone calls were too expensive and the time difference between Ireland and Michigan made it inconvenient to reach someone at a suitable hour. Phone numbers and area codes are also constantly changing while e-mail addresses stay with you wherever you go. While I was in High School my family moved three times, making it difficult for my relatives overseas to keep up with which number was the most recent. However, they knew it was still possible to get a hold of us via e-mail. Communicating through letters was exhausting, demanded time, and required readable penmanship. It could take almost two weeks to receive mail and half the time it would... ...f writing provide for a fast and effective mode of communication. There are both positive and negative characteristics associated with the use of the postal mail system and the handwritten letter versus electronic mail and computer created text. However, without the invention of e-mail it would not be possible for me to communicate and keep in touch with my family overseas as often and frequently as I do. Thanks to e-mail I can now build a better relationship with family members I seldom get to physically interact with. Works Cited Baron, Dennis. â€Å"From Pencils to Pixels: The Stages of Literacy Technologies.† Tribble and Trubek 36. Lesser, Wendy. â€Å"The Conversion.† Tribble and Trubek, 227-231. Tribble, Evelyn, and Trubek, Anne, eds. Writing Material: Readings from Plato to the Digital Age. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 2003

Friday, October 11, 2019

Banyan Tree Essay

Minimal advertising, still high level of brand awareness through company’s public relations and global marketing programs. Faced the challenge of translating and maintaining the success of a niche Asian hospitality brand into various market segments on a global scale ‘Innovative niche product that could also bridge the price gap in this market’ Building a resort comprising individual villas with locally inspired architectural design and positioned as a romantic and intimate escapade for guests; ‘Sanctuary for the senses’. Banyan Tree Gallery: ‘local culture and heritage and promoting cottage Crafts, retail outlet showcasing indigenous crafts, works closely with village cooperatives and not-for-profit craft marketing agents. Marketing: high-end travel magazines in key markets – public relations – global marketing programs (increase editorial coverage) – few key wholesalers in each targeted market – agents specializing in exlusive luxury holidays targeted at wealthy customers – membership in the Small Luxury Hotels and Leading Hotels of the World – GDS cose ‘BY’ (own global distribution system used by travel providers to process airline, hotel, car rental and other distribution partners around the world. Actively caring for the natural and human environment, revitalizing local communities, worked actively to preserve, protect, and promote the natural and human environments in which BYT resorts where located. Minimizing the impact on the environment Green Communities = planted trees, engage local communities, associates, guests to share the causes of climate change and actions that can reduce our collected carbon footprint. Green Imperative Fund to further support community-based and environmental initiatives in the regions where it has a presence. The company believed in building profitable resorts that would benefit the surrounding environment and contribute to local economies through the creation of employment and community development projects. Businesses with local farmers and traders by making it a point to purchase fresh produce from them. Community Relations Department was set up to develop and manage community outreach programs. Seedling: BTHR’s formalized program which aimed to help  young adults from local communities and motivate them and provide the means for completing their education to successfully enter the labor force as adults. Future: openening city hotels and angsana hotels in Dubai and London (angsana brand in response to the demand for hotel operators in Asia that were keen to introduce spa services in their hotel, it is more contemporary and affordable brand. Musem Shop by banyan tree: joint partnetship with Singapor’s national heritage board to showcase Asi’a rich and diverse cultural heritage through unique museum-inspired merchandise. Banyan Tree Holdings (Banyan Tree) is an investment holding company involved in managing and developing premium resorts, hotels and spas in the Asia Pacific. To date, the Banyan Tree Group manages and/or has ownership interests in close to 36 hotels and resorts, around 73 spas, 91 galleries  and 3 golf courses in 28 countries The company operates in Asia, Mexico and Morocco, New Zealand, Africa, Dubai, and the UK. Banyan Tree operates through three business segments: hotel investment, property sales, and fee-based. 1: The hotel investments segment relates to hotel and restaurant operations. The property sales segment comprises hotel residences, Laguna property sales and development project/site sales. Hotel residences business relates to the sale of hotel villas or suites which are part of hotel operations, to investors under a compulsory leaseback scheme. Laguna property sales business relates to the development and sale of properties which are standalone vacation homes in Laguna Phuket. Development project/site sales relates to pure development land sales or development land sales which are fully or partially developed with infrastructure. The fee-based segment comprises the management of hotels and resorts, the management of an asset-backed destination club, the management of private-equity funds, the management and operation of spas, the sales of merchandise, the provision of architectural and design services, the management and ownership of golf courses, and rental of retail outlets and offices. The company’s subsidiaries (dochterbedrijf) include Banyan Tree Spa Bangkok, Banyan Tree Spa Bintan, Banyan Tree Spa Ringha, Banyan Tree Spa Phuket, Banyan Tree Sanya, and Banyan Tree Macau, among others. Banyan Tree Holdings (Banyan Tree) is engaged in the management and development of premium resorts, hotels and spas. The company’s key services include the following. Hotel and restaurant operations Sale of hotel villas or suites – Development and sale of properties – Pure development land sales – Management of hotels and resorts – Management of an asset-backed destination club – Management of private-equity funds -Management and operation of spas – Architectural and design services – Management and ownership of golf courses – Rental of retail outlets and offices. The following companies are the major competitors of Banyan Tree Holdings Limited: Central Plaza Hotel Public Company Limited – Four Seasons Hotels Inc – Associated International Hotels Ltd In the past few years, such events risks as the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, bird flu, floods and riots in Thailand have been hard on our industry, causing tourism as a whole to dry up in their wake. By comparison, economic recessions are part and parcel of the business cycle, which we are able to take in our stride and counter with a variety of measures. During the year, the world remained mired in the European sovereign debt crisis and American economic weakness. Although these conditions affected our arrivals primarily from Europe, we were able to capitalise on the flourishing Chinese market. At our four resorts in the Maldives, for example, the number of Chinese guests surpassed those from Europe. In our continuing efforts to rebalance the Group’s assets, we made the bargain purchase of Banyan Tree Seychelles which gave rise to a net gain. We also sold and leased back Angsana Velavaru in January 2013. The hybrid structure of this deal is a first for Banyan Tree, and we are pleased with how it allows us to rebalance our portfolio while still participating in the profits from the operations of Angsana Velavaru. 2012: with overall revenue growing 3% to S$338. 4 million. Due to improved results from our hotel investments and fee-based businesses, as well as a higher contribution from completed sales of property units. Group EBITDA was S$74. 5 million, up 51% on the back of higher revenue and a gain on the bargain purchase of Banyan Tree Seychelles. This in turn resulted in PATMI increasing by 856% (S$14.9 million), tempered by higher finance costs and income tax expenses. HOTEL INVESTMENTS Our hotel investments delivered a stronger performance in 2012, with Group-owned hotels posting total revenue of S$187. 7 million, up 15% from the previous year. This was due to the higher contribution from our Thai properties and the consolidation of revenue from Banyan Tree Seychelles from 2Q12 onwards. These gains were partially offset by lower revenue from our Maldives properties as Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru and Angsana Ihuru were temporarily closed for refurbishment. As a result of the increase in revenue, EBITDA for this segment grew by a healthy 69% to S$36. 6 million. PROPERTY SALES Revenue from property sales was S$42. 7 million. The 36% decrease was due to the sale of development sites in Lijiang, Yangshuo and Huangshan to our China Fund in 2011. Excluding those transactions, revenue and EBITDA from property sales saw growth of 43% and 74% respectively, thanks to a higher contribution from completed sales of property units. FEE-BASED Total revenue from our fee-based businesses registered growth of 9% to reach S$108. This was attributable to an increase in fees from hotel management and architectural and interior design and other services. Accordingly, EBITDA for our fee-based businesses grew by 23%. 2013 appears to be another challenging year for the global economy. We anticipate continued weakness in our European target markets. In Asia, which has been the world’s economic engine these past four years, growth is likely to moderate. Despite the cooling of China’s economy, the tourism market both inbound and outbound is expected to continue to grow. The Chinese government is aggressively promoting domestic tourism as part of its strategy to increase domestic consumption, thereby cushioning the slowdown in export manufacturing. Banyan Tree’s strong branding and rapidly expanding footprint in China will position us to take advantage of this trend. Our seven regional marketing offices in China will be invaluable in enabling us to tap the vast potential of this market and to enhance awareness of our hotels with key accounts in China. Our strategy going forward will include continuing with our asset rebalancing to unlock value and deploy capital to more promising markets. At the same time, we are exploring the possibility of extending the successful Fund model into other areas. In terms of growing particular segments, we will be focusing on increasing income from our fee-based and property sales businesses. We have built the fee-based segment to a point where it now has an impetus of its own. On the property sales front, we plan to move into selling more primary and serviced residences. Primary residences under the Banyan Tree brand, â€Å"We will also be going forward with the establishment of a third brand of residences to be wholly sold and managed by us. † Rather than compete with local property developers, we will leverage our branding and design skills to market to a niche audience in China. We will also be going forward with the establishment of a third brand of residences to be wholly sold and managed by us. Catering to an entirely new market of price-conscious buyers, these properties will be smaller in size yet deliver the quality and innovation that are hallmarks of Banyan Tree. Strongly associated with our brand is the concept of a triple bottom line. In our pursuit of economic, social and environmental success, we made major investments in resource conservation, training and benchmarking, greening and community efforts in 2012. Under the EarthCheck system of sustainability certification, we also planted in six-year a total to over 220,000 trees. Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts offer an intimate retreat experience featuring its signature blend of romance, rejuvenation and exotic sensuality. Our philosophy is based on providing a place for rejuvenation of the body, mind and soul – a Sanctuary for the Senses. Placing special emphasis on providing guests with a sense of place, each Banyan Tree property is designed to fit into its natural surroundings, using indigenous materials as far as possible and reflecting the landscape and architecture of the destination. Pioneering  the tropical garden spa concept with Asian health and beauty remedies passed down from generations, Banyan Tree Spa was created as the signature experience in all Banyan Tree resorts, to complement the â€Å"Sanctuary for the Senses† wellness concept. With the emphasis on high service standards and consistency, therapists are professionally trained at Banyan Tree Spa Academies in Phuket, Thailand, and Lijiang, China. The Banyan Tree Gallery supports local communities by exhibiting and retailing indigenous handicrafts, which are also found in the resorts. A quintessential highlight of the Banyan Tree experience, Banyan Tree Gallery aspires to recreate the unique Banyan Tree experience with  its extensive selection of  Asian-style furnishings, Banyan Tree Spa collection, eco-friendly products, indigenous village handicrafts, ethnic apparel and accessories, and objects d’art. Banyan Tree Holdings Limited is a leading, international hospitality brand that manages and develops premium resorts, hotels and spas. Its innovative business model is based on seven business segments generating multiple income streams that is unique in itself within the hospitality industry. This formula of developing and managing complementary product offerings with in-house talent makes it difficult for competitors to duplicate with the same level of success. Banyan Tree’s vertically integrated business model comprises: Hotel investment– Banyan Tree owns and manages luxury hotels under its brands, as well as hotels that are managed by other world-class operators. Hotel management– Banyan Tree additionally manages properties under the Banyan Tree and Angsana brands for other owners. Canopy Marketing Group Pte Ltd – A company wholly owned by Banyan Tree Services, Canopy Marketing Group Pte Ltd provides high-level strategic insights on various global niche markets to drive top line performance of our diverse range of lifestyle products including hotels, resorts, spas, gallery, destination club and residential ownership. It has a full-suite of marketing capabilities specializing in the branding, marketing and promotion. Spa operations– Banyan Tree Spa pioneered the tropical garden spa concept, and has since grown to over 60 outlets worldwide. Gallery operations– The retail arm is consolidated under Banyan Tree Gallery, which comprises five brand segments located in over 70 stores worldwide. Hotel residences – Hotel inventory are primarily sold under the brand name Banyan Tree Residences. Property sales – Properties that are not part of hotel operations are sold by our subsidiary company, Laguna Resorts and Hotels, and its subsidiaries, in Laguna Phuket. Design and other services – Revenue from design services is earned by Architrave, Banyan Tree’s in-house architectural arm. Other service fees include income from operating golf clubs. Real Estate Hospitality Funds – Banyan Tree Capital was set upto tap private equity and other sources of investments in order to provide a cost efficient structure to fund the Group’s future developments. With about 8,000 associates of over 50 nationalities, the diversity of its workforce is a key feature of the Group and helps to inspire its international outlook. To address its talent development needs, Banyan Tree launched Banyan Tree Management Academy (BTMA) in 2008. This centralised training facility located in Phuket, Thailand will train future Banyan Tree leaders needed to sustain organisational effectiveness and to meet the demands of its rapid global growth. Part of Banyan Tree’s vision has always been to grow into a global business, with a portfolio of properties strategically placed around the world. The Group’s mission is inextricably intertwined with its commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainable growth, as it continues to expand globally. The launch of Banyan Tree Residences, which allows investors to buy their own signature villa, townhouse or apartment in Banyan Tree resorts. Banyan Tree Private Collection was launched to cater to the growing niche for destination club membership 2005: Marking the group’s long awaited foray into China is Banyan Tree Ringha, in Yunnan. 2001: Banyan Tree established the Green Imperative Fund to formalise its corporate social responsibility efforts. The Banyan Tree Spa Academy was set up to provide training for new therapists as well as research new treatment recipes and techniques. Banyan Tree Capital is a real estate fund management company established by the Banyan Tree group, a renowned luxury hospitality company listed in Singapore, to focus on hospitality-based real estate investment. Banyan Tree Capital raises, develops and manages branded hospitality funds in key development markets of the Banyan Tree group. With a combination of fund management and asset development capabilities, Banyan Tree Capital leverages on the group’s expertise in premium hospitality real estate development and management to generate attractive investment returns for its investors. Banyan Tree Capital is headquartered in Singapore with offices in China and Vietnam. We have successfully achieved higher room rates than the existing market in locations such as Lijiang, the Maldives and Seychelles. We have also found that our iconic brands also help raise the value of the surrounding land. Our innovative city products combine all the iconic elements of our brand and differentiate developers within established, high cost city markets. We have the flexibility and capabilities to adapt our model to various locations so as to maximize returns for the developer As part of our strategy of enlarging our footprint in China, we will also be launching two more hotels in Shanghai and one in Tianjin, adding to our ever growing presence in various gateway cities. We are also employing our capabilities all across China, where large tracts of land are being developed into gated residences and luxury hotels offered to the Chinese elite. One of Banyan Tree’s prime concerns is its associates. We pride ourselves in providing high levels of service excellence and providing tailor made training and career development programmes for our employees. No stone is left unturned in regards to training and proper introduction before a Banyan Tree is put into operation. Trained to the basic standards of 5 star hotels. Employees were empowered to exercise creativity and sensitivity although the strict administrative rules of the management. Employees were taken to and from work in air-conditioned buses, access to various amenities (good-quality canteens, medical services, childcare facilities). Banyan Tree is one of the world’s biggest and well known spa operators. Our levels of quality and service are unparalleled and uncompromised. We are the only vertically integrated hospitality company with strong capabilities to tackle and anticipate the challenges of master planning and developing an integrated resort. We are able to take a property from inception to delivery with efficiencies that is entirely brand specific. Our  in-house design team, Architrave, and project services team are extremely involved in all phases of the development – master planning, designing, developing and coordinating, to ensure developers a timely delivery of their asset. Being experienced developers, we are able to ensure that efficiencies and economies of scale are maximized along with guest experiences. Bintan, the Maldives and Phuket where the Angsana resort is positioned next to a Banyan Tree resort with shared back of house facilities. This model has allowed us to lower costs without cannibalizing rates, thereby boosting returns for our developers.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Investment Appraisal Essay Question Essay

Q3) Using quantitative and qualitative information, suggest which school Felix and Holly should invest in. In the case study we are told that Felix and Holly are finding it hard to decide whether to invest in a soccer school or a netball school. They can use many different investment appraisal techniques which are both qualitative and quantitative in order to identify which investment would be most appropriate or worthwhile. They need to consider the level of risk involved, how quickly the investment will take to pay off and whether the investment will be profitable. There are three main types of quantitative investment appraisal techniques that Felix and Holly could use to identify which investment is most profitable. The first investment appraisal technique is payback and this measures how quickly the investment can be paid back. Using the estimations that Felix and Holly have submitted, the payback period for the soccer school is 3 years and 4 months. The payback period for the netball school is 2 years and 8 months. This means that Felix and Holly would be better off investing in the netball school as it would take a shorter period of time to cover their cost. Another investment appraisal technique that could be used is accounting rate of return. This appraisal measures the profitability of any investment and the profit is expressed as a percentage. Look more:  capital budgeting examples essay For the soccer school the accounting rate of return is 8.8% whereas it is 17.6% for the netball school. The comparison between these two proves that the netball school would be a better investment as the percentage of accounting rate of return is much higher than that of the soccer school. In addition, another quantitative method of appraisal is net present value. Unlike payback and ARR, this investment appraisal considers the value of money over time. It converts all monetary values into today’s values to allow for a realistic assessment of the returns of the years ahead. At 8% over 5 years, both the soccer school and netball school investments have a positive value which means that they are both worthwhile. However the value of the netball school is  £12,430 which is a lot higher than the soccer school value at  £6,950. This means that the netball school would be much more profitable for Felix and Holly as the value of the money is still greater than the soccer school. Qualitative methods of investment appraisal can also be used to identify which school would be most worthwhile for Felix and Holly to invest into. Some important factors that would need to be taken into consideration by Felix and Holly for their business are their objectives, resources available and the economy. A qualitative method of appraisal that can be used is internal rate of return. This investment appraisal allows specific information such as the return on the investment to be calculated. When calculated for the netball school, the internal rate of return is over 20% whereas the internal rate of return for the soccer school is between 16% and 20%. This means that the netball school has a higher rate of return than the soccer school. In conclusion, after using both quantitative and qualitative methods of investment appraisal I have identified that the most worthwhile appraisal would be the netball school. My reasons for this is because it has a shorter payback period which means that it would take a much shorter period of time to pay back. In addition, the accounting rate of return of the netball school was much higher than the soccer school. Moreover, the net present value proves that the value of the money invested within the netball school will be much higher than that invested in the soccer school over a 5 year period. Consequently, the internal rate of return shows that the rate of return on the investment of the netball school is higher than the return on the soccer school. Overall, all the various investment appraisal techniques that have been used have their advantages and limitations. A payback appraisal is quick and easy to calculate and can be easily understood but it does not calculate the overall profitability of the investment or consider timing of cash flows within the payback period. Whereas an accounting rate of return does take cash flows into consideration. It also focuses on the profitability of the investment and is a good source for comparisons. Its limitations are that it ignores the timing of cash flows and the value of money over time. A net present value appraisal considers both timing and size of cash flows but it is a fairly complex system to use. Lastly, the internal rate of return can be easily used to compare different investments but is also very complex to understand and use. All appraisal techniques have many limitations but they are valuable methods to consider when deciding on a particular investment. In this case all four appraisal techniques have been used to conclude that the most appropriate investment would be to invest in the netba ll school.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Bringing up baby

Bringing up baby Essay Screwball comedy shows irreverence for love associated with childish. For instance, comments such as, Stand still, Godfrey. Itll all be over in a minute, as Carole Lombard says to William Powell as their characters are about to be wed in My Man Godfrey demonstrates the ridiculousness and childishness of the upper classes. She seems almost his mother, chiding an impatient and antsy child, and neither of them seems to understand the gravity of their situation, a fact that would not escape the original viewers. It is almost as though they were children playing at getting married, not thinking about the fact that marriage comes with commitments and responsibilities. Many times the adult thing to do is talk about your feelings, no matter how hard that is, and in Love Crazy, if Steve just told Susan exactly what happened at Isobels apartment and what they did, all the craziness could be avoided. Similarly, in The Awful Truth, if Jerry just told Lucy what he did in California and both discussed their strong doubts and feelings, they would have never jumped to erroneous conclusions as to each others faithfulness and ended up divorced. In His Girl Friday, if Walter just admitted that his love for Hildy was stronger than his love for his work, Hildy would never have left and theyd been together before the movie had even started. All their troubles could be avoided if they were just honest and spoke out about what went on inside them instead of playing such extravagant games and expecting themselves and others to jump through ridiculous hoops. In the world of Screwball Comedy, such actions are triggered by an association with the freedom of childhood. (Gehring, p.38) It is their inherent desire to be selfish that keeps them from doing the greater good. Childish behavior would coincide with Steve being impatient about getting his anniversary sex at the end of the night and therefore ruining the night by convincing Susan to do it in reverse, Jerry demanding answers about the Lucys relationship with her teacher but not feeling any responsibility for his actions in California, or Walters concern for making money and getting his girl but complete unconcern with the greater good of society or Hildys feelings. It can be seen that childishness is their inability to contain their composure and retain control over their own desires instead of letting their desires controlling them. Byrge and Miller compliment Gehring in his attempt to capture the characteristics that would describe a childlike nature to the Screwball comedy characters by describing them as, The innocently aggressive, noisily silly, endearingly defiant, and happily destructive way that little children at play repeatedly disturb the peace and boredom of adults vain attempts at domestic tranquility (2). This childishness and inability to accept adult life is one of the most marked elements of a screwball comedy. Romantic comedies take the exact opposite approach to this question. Instead of reverting to childish antics, such as in a screwball comedy, they hold that adult behavior is a more desirable way to live by. Elements such as careers, morality, truth and the feelings of others play into the decision making. For instance, in My Best Friends Wedding, the heroine Julianne and her gay best friend lie on her bed and discuss the moral and ethical ramifications of stealing a groom from his bride and thus destroying another couples wedding in order to satisfy Juliannes selfish desires. This kind of rational discourse is nonexistent in the screwball world. In fact, in the screwball comedy Bringing Up Baby, Grant must make the decision between a normal, safe relationship from which he is already committed to or the zany, unpredictable life with the comic anti-heroine. READ: A Doll's House Externalizing Inner Problems EssayIn the end, Grant drops his marriage commitment to the normal woman in favor of the screwball heroine. In a direct contrast, in the romantic comedy My Best Friends Wedding, Michael decides to stay true to his prior marriage commitment with his fianci e despite Juliannes confession of love, breaking the screwball mold and making the obviously the more responsible course of action. However, even Juliannes confession of love is a direct contrast to a screwball comedys course of action. In a screwball comedy, important issues are swept under the rug and are not discussed. An example of this is The Awful Truth, in which the issues in Jerry and Lucys marriage and their reasons for suspecting each other of infidelity are not truly discussed. Juliannes profession of love to Michael, fruitless as it ends up being, is a much more adult response to an emotion than Lucy and Jerrys reaction to their emotions. Another major difference is that within romantic comedies, the career and responsibilities play a major role in the lives of the characters. Everyone in the romantic comedy has a career and is actively involved within that career. However, in screwball movies such as The Thin Man, detective Powell is happy just spending his wifes money and experiencing the most pleasure he can in his settled down state. At one point, everyone is enjoying cocktails at a party when the joyful singing on the radio is interrupted by a report describing a developing criminal investigation and Powells response is to turn it off saying Does it always have to be business? When confronted about the investigation by his friends his response is Im a gentleman now implying his lack of concern for his responsibilities and career. However, in Youve Got Mail, the hero and heroine clash over their businesses. Joes book Superstore threatens to destroy Kathleens smaller bookstore, and they clash continuously over their careers. This can be juxtaposed to The Awful Truth in which there is no attempt to establish an occupational cover for Cary Grant. In fact, there was a point in filming When Cary came to that scene he stopped and laughed, Where am I supposed to have gotten any money? He asked. I never work, you never show me doing any sort of job' (Gehring, 31). This is an obvious contrast to the fact that in a screwball comedy, the career of the main character is anything but important. The adult concerns of those in a romantic comedy are very different from the childish nature of the screwball comedies characters. One of the most essential elements of the screwball comedy is satire, and this comes through heavily in the reversal of gender roles in screwball comedy. While in most films, the male pursues the female of his dreams and then controls the relationship, in the screwball genre, the roles flip. Gehring makes the point that the comic antihero suffers from basic male frustration (especially in relation to women), and thus, in the screwball marriage, the questioning of the conventional marriage becomes evident in the fact that, The traditional hero can control his woman and doesnt stick his neck out for no one and the screwball male has an inability to control his wife, resulting in a true satire of a traditional marriage (Creese). For instance, in Love Crazy Steve Ireland desperately wants to make love to his wife on his anniversary and ignore everything else, but because of his inability to control the situation as a man in a traditionally portrayed marriage would, the entire situation becomes nothing more than a parody of marital conventions. He is weak and fleeting and does not at all fulfill the role of a conventional man. In another example of the reversal of gender roles, the conventional man, such as Ward Manly Man Willoughby, becomes irrelevant. READ: The darkling Thrush and Neutral tones EssayWhile he does the right thing according to society, yet he is still always wrong. No one remembers his name and in the very end he gets locked up in the asylum with no one to save him. In a traditional film in which traditional marriage and gender roles were maintained, the husband would not be weak and the strong men in the film would end up well, not in a mental institution. The last questioning of conventional marriage comes in the form of a strong, assertive woman. All the power in the film lies with Susan, Steves wife. In a completely satiric reversal of roles, she is an uncontrollable force, and, rather than being passive in the stereotype of women at that time, she moves the entire story along by herself. Everything is done according to Susans word; she asks for the divorce, she hooks up with Ward, and she sends Steve to the insane asylum. Screwball comedy is entirely female driven, with an eccentric heroine saving an antiheroic leading man from a rigid lifestyle. A classic example is when Hepburns love rescues Grant from his mundane career and equally sterile fianci e in Bringing Up Baby. In addition, the inevitability of the screwball heroines victory is nicely summarized in Lady Eve, when Henry Fonda learns the moral of the screwball comedy: when you think, consider or try to understand, you lose. By considering the morality of being with Barbara Stanwyck, he ends up unhappy and sets himself into a wacky cascade of screwball moments brought about by our heroines thirst for revenge. Every time Fonda throws a quote such as The difference between man and beast is the ability to understand, he learns facts he didnt want to know, such as how many men Stanwyck had been with before him. Fonda doesnt truly learn his lesson until at the end where he finally says, I dont want to understand. Still, the genre also has room for the antiheroic screwball heroine who wins despite herself. In Bringing Up Baby, Hepburn ruins Grants car, ruins his golf game, and loses his opportunity at getting the million dollars grant, and even destroys the brontosaurs exhibit (symbolically the last vestiges of his academic rigidity), but in the end Grant still falls in love with her. Eventually, she both loosens up the classically rigid male and frees him from a domineering, deadening fianci e. This female dominated relationship is not so apparent in romantic comedies The screwball heroine has lost some of her allure. Sleepless in Seattle borrows from screwball comedy without really becoming a part of the screwball genre itself, because it lacks double entendres, fast talk, and the mock adultery. Despite having zany situations and a romantic plot, Sleepless in Seattle is an addition to the romantic comedy genre (Shumway).